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Prof. Pankaja K

Associate Professor

Research Area



Ms. Pankaja K is an Associate Professor in the Department of CSE. Her academic interests include Data Structures, File Structures, Database Management systems, Object Oriented Modeling and Design, Design and Analysis of Algorithm. In addition to her interest in academics, she also focuses on research in the area of Image Processing .

She holds a B.E. degree in CSE from Mysuru University and an M.Tech degree in CSE from the Visvesvaraya Technological University ,and currently pursuing Ph.D under Visvesvaraya Technological University. She participated and conducted in various workshops and faculty development  programs held by various colleges. She is Chief Alumni Coordinator and Joint Cultural Secretary for Cambridge Institute of Technology.

She has around 11+ years of teaching experience and is associated with Cambridge Institute of Technology from 2014.

Guided B.E. and M.Tech students in their seminars and project dissertations.

Academic Degrees

  • Pursuing Ph.D., VTU
  • M.Tech, Computer Science and Engineering, VTU, 2010
  • B.E., Computer Science and Engineering, Mysuru University, 1995