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Ms. Maria Kiran L

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science 

Research Area

  • Internet of things
  • Cyber Security
  • Cloud Computing


Ms. Maria Kiran L is an Assistant Professor in the Department of CSE. Her academic interests include Networks, IoT and Cloud, Cyber Security.

She holds a B.E. degree in CSE from Cambridge Institute of Technology and an M.Tech. degree in CSE Cambridge Institute of Technology . She has participated in various workshops and faculty development programs. 

She is associated with Cambridge Institute of Technology from 2021.She has Guided B.E.   students in project dissertations.

Academic Degrees

  • M.Tech., Computer Science and Engineering,VTU
  • B.E., Computer Science and Engineering,VTU



  • One week FDP on “Cloud computing and AWS ” from 23/8/2022- 28/8/2022 by Brainovision.
  • One week FDP on “Cryptography for information security” from 9/5/2022-13/5/2022 by HRD.